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Typically, on a project, we would meet or have a phone conversation to get a strong understanding of the end goal and discuss relevant details.
For example, the mockup logo below contains multiple elements a client would want to influence, such as colour, application, font, style and layout.

In the case of a logo/brand project like the one above, the client can expect:
Fully vectored logo (meaning the logo will be scalable from the size of a business card to that of a billboard without losing quality/resolution).
Embedded font so there are never any issues opening a file.
Typically 3 colour formats (black for fax and such, white for darker backgrounds and coloured for most applications).
All file formats including working design file .eps and .ai, though if you don’t have the programs you may not be able to open them, but they still belong to you and other designers or printers will be able to work with them.
Font and colour reference for when you work with designers and printers in the future and for keeping your internal marketing material consistent.
The typical cost for a logo/business card start-up package:
I charge for 12HRS work at $50/HR for a logo and business card design - so the total comes to $600.
We meet or talk on the phone to determine your ideas, inspiration, target market, preferences in colour, font and anything else relative to the brand.
Then based on that, I do some research and put together your elements into a creative, well thought-out logo.
You then pick it apart and change everything you want – free of charge.
I then fine-tune it and come up with a final logo for you. Change some minor details at this stage (as long as it’s minor) still free of charge.
I then shine it up and hand over your perfect logo!
Or, we can keep modifying if you still have changes until perfect, that additional time is billed at $50/HR but we only charge for the exact time needed (we don’t round up).
We follow the exact same process above for the business card design, included in the cost.
This process has been 100% successful so far, meaning I have not had a client come back unsatisfied with the services provided.
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